Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well, we did a two-for-one at the DR. today.
Weight: 22 lb 6 oz (just right)
Length: 33 inches (long and skinny, like a bean)
Head circ: 18 inches (OK - he has a way small head, it is almost off the bottom of the chart. They say it has nothing to do with the amount of smarts.....)

Max had his 18 month check up. I've never had so much to talk to the dr about before. Everything has always been swimmingly with all other kids. But leave it to Max to rock the boat. We talked about food and speech mostly. As far as food goes, Max is of his own breed. He has a handful of foods that he eats, and he HATES to try anything new. Like we got ice cream after the Dr, but his was shaped funny and so he didn't want anything to do with it until we shoved it in his mouth and then he was all over it to the last bite. The Dr. suggested hiding foods, like mixing things in mashed potatos (he doesn't like them plain, let alone with anything in them) or in fruit snmoothies (doesn't like those either). If only we could hide some veggies in fruit snacks or mac & cheese! He is supposed to grow out of this picky phase in the next 6 months. I'm not holding my breath...

And speech. He is way behind. He is supposed to have close to 20 real words by now. Nope. But it got me thinking that I haven't listed the ones he can say, so I actually have no idea how many he does have. I'm just sure it's not 20. Here goes.

uh-oh, wow, da (daddy), gee (binki), ba (ball), Ga (Gavin??), ess (this), ah (hot)


I'll have to ask Rich tonight if there are any I am forgettng.

Max can easily communicate though. He nods and shakes his head with the best of them, and he pointing wizard. And he also knows how to scream and get his way. All very useful skills.

I love this little monster though. he has such a cute way of walking on his toes. It is so random that it cracks me up every time. He is such an animal lover. There is this newer commercial on with those huge horses and a dog. His focus is un-deviated for those 2 minutes as he screams with delight and points and spins at the sight. He loves the horses out our window at the horse clinic. And he is a daddy's boy. Always wanting to wrestle or cuddle with Rich. He is the BEST at going to sleep. He goes down wide awake, quietly. As long as he has a blankie and his binki. And since Gavin has come home, he is so concerned with him. Always checking on him when he is sleeping and trying to give him a binki when he cries. He runs and points with delight when he sees Gavin. Too cute. Max is a wonder. So different from Sophie and Peter. Love that kid!!


Steve and Cyndi said...

I love that Max Loves Gavin so much! They're gonna be bestest good buds! I sure hope Gavin likes to wrestle!

JaNece said...

He is too cute! He'll catch up with his words, and food...when do kids ever grow out of being picky! You are an awesome mom and I love the pics of Gavin's bathtime!

Jamie said...

Regan has been a lot like this- especially with the talking thing. She just never has really needed to talk because people talk for her! She is finally starting to say more things- but is well over 2 years old. No worries...those #3 children have to be unique!

Kierstin said...

Try mixing in some sweet potato puree or squash puree into the mac n-cheese... they both taste sweet and are yellow in color so he shouldn't notice :)