Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The First Hour

Instead of being awaken by the slow sunrise leaking into my room, it was nudges and grunts from my bouncing baby boy. He was hungry. Again. He actually slept well, seven hours!!!! (from 10:30pm to 5:30am). It was just down hill after that first waking. I was able to hold him off for an hour with the binki. He would spit it out every 15 minutes and I would force it back in stealing every last minute of sleep I could manage. This lasted for an hour or so, so I didn't really gain any of that beauty sleep I was seeking. I knew that was how the story would play, I was just hoping for a miracle. Still sleepy, but finally accepting the sun, Rich and I both noticed the usual. Sophie and Peter had both made their way into our room sometime during the dark hours of the night. I don't know why they have their own rooms. We should probably make the two chairs in our room their new official beds... Rich and I hear the faint cry of Maxwell over the roaring fan next to our bed and Rich gets out of bed to fetch Max. Max wanted nothing more than to go straight downstairs. That isn't what he got. He was put into bed with me while I fought the need to get up and tend to Gavin, and Rich left the scene to jump into the shower to get ready for his day. This was my day, ready or not... Max smelled up the whole room with his dirty diaper. It was too much for me so he got thrown into the shower with Richard. I finally got out of bed and was met with a storm. It was necessary to sit down at that moment and feed Gavin. As he noisily nurses and gulps the milk down Peter started his day by crying about wanting to take a shower with dad. I didn't object because I was busy and I knew that if he took a shower he would stop crying and that would be one less thing for me to deal with at the moment. It sure turned his frown upside down and Rich somehow successfully showered with Peter and Max in there too. I really didn't think about it much. During this conversation with Peter Sophie quietly left the room and in the chair where she was sleeping was a dark and wet spot. Yep, she had an accident on our chair! All I could think of was how in the world was I going to have time to clean that up before it dried all the way. Just one more thing. I finished feeding Gavin and I went to change his diaper. Can anyone say blowout? I cleaned him up best I could, but he still stunk like diapers and sour milk so I made Rich get back in the shower to wash him off. He had just gotten out and was still in his towel. Just as I'm done my two naked boys come out of the bathroom dripping wet. I dry them off and search for something decent for them to put on. Yes, I'm behind on laundry. And that meant that I first checked their drawers, then the laundry room and back to their room and dressers again before I had assembled two outfits that I was satisfied with. Peter dressed himself - complaining the whole time that he wanted someone to help him. Yeah, not going to happen. Max likes his birthday suit more than anything else so I held him down in combat style while he cries at the top of his lungs and twists his torso and contorts his legs so as to not let me dress him. He was fighting a loosing battle. I win every time! Doesn't he know that by now. Submission would be so much easier and faster. I finally take a breath - two down, two to go. I catch Sophie in the hall and tell her she needs to take a shower now to clean herself off. OK!!! She is excited, a little too much and I can already foresee the battle to get her out of the shower. I'll deal with that when the time comes. At least she can find her own clothes, brush out her wet hair - mostly and that much independence is a blessing this morning. Then I go and get my clean baby, lotion and dress him while his lip quivers because he is always cold after a bath or shower and - Oh great, Gavin is crying again. He is going through a growth spurt and thinks he is starving every hour or two. Somehow he made it through the night and I try to remember the elation I felt when I realized I had slept longer than I had in months. Nope, not enough. So I do my motherly duty and sit down and feed him, again. While feeding him I was reminded of the pee yet to be cleaned on the opposing chair. Thankfully it was a quick feeding and the chair got a good scrub down. Everyone is finally settled and I am hoping for a really good hot breakfast, after I selfishly shower, that Rich almost always makes and Peter comes upstairs and asks me what kind of cereal I want. What? Not today, cereal is the last thing I wanted for breakfast. But he has the cutest face as he asks me so I don't disappoint him and give him my order. (Come to find out he got breakfast ready all by himself, getting all the cereal out and lined it up on the counter along with another line up of all of our fruit. So it wasn't Rich's idea or fault. Just my cute boy.) Not knowing why and a little stressed at the morning I was looking forward to my shower and shaving my legs, since I skipped that yesterday. As I was about to step into the shower Rich comes in with a look on his face when he saw me Not ready at all and says "you haven't taken a shower yet?" NO. When was I supposed to fit that in? Between poopy diapers or cleaning pee off of our chair? Oh yeah, this was all in the first hour of my day. So you can imagine how the rest of it went. At least I had bunko to look forward to tonight...


Kierstin said...

Heather, you are an amazing mommy to be sane after that kind of a day. I just get really mean and yell after a night of no sleep.

Steve and Cyndi said...

I'm so sorry! I hate it when my day starts off yucky... It just never seems to get better... but, YEA for bunko! I love that game!