Friday, December 26, 2008

Cats and Dogs

There couldn't be anything more fun to watch than these two playing together...


They Hate each other I think. Allison would steal everything from Max, especially his CARS, and Max learned how to hit Allison. Max would scream any time she went near any toys in the house and Allison would cry. One day we will look back on this and laugh about the whole thing. But not today. I have never seen two kids fight as much as they did. But they'll get along one day - right? Maybe. But she is so stinkin' cute, I hated to see her go. Even though it did quiet the house down A LOT!


Dillard Family said...
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Dillard Family said...

Hi Max-

Allison misses you and all your cars.

Dillard Family said...

Hi Max-

Allison misses you and all your cars.