Thursday, June 11, 2009

You know you've been on the computer too long when...

You know you've been on the computer too long when...

A. The mess you made in the kitchen this afternoon from making bread is STILL on the counter and it's time to make dinner

B. Your two year old has gotten his own cup of water so many times that there is an ocean of water on the floor in front of the fridge

C. Your baby has been crawling on the floor so long that he has crawled OUT of his pants and socks

D. While the cupboard door is open and you can't see, your two year old has somehow managed to pull out the sugar container that is about about half his body weight and dumps it into the above mentioned ocean of water on the floor, therefore creating a coating of sugar sludge all over the kitchen floor with a little bowl full of the mixture and a spoon in it in the middle of the mess, and the two year old has pants wet up to his knees and sugar up to his elbows

If you guessed all of the above, you are correct...

E. And then while you are on your hands and knees trying to clean up the sugar mess from the floor your two year old follows that by ripping off 16 keys from the computer keyboard and throws them across the room (the 'enter' key is broke for good, and the rest of them now look like they belong in the pawn shop) all while calling Alabama from your cell phone

And then your husbands first response is "and you were in the same room with him the whole time this was happening???"


Janalynn said...

LOL!! That's sooo true! Although I don't have the babies anymore, I do tend to still not pay attention on what goes on around me, and end up saying yes to a lot of questions asked my way, then wonder where my kids are, and why no one has done their chores. Thanks for making me laugh!!

Steve and Cyndi said...

Oh Heather! What an adventure you had yesterday! I'm sorry! I think what your family needs is a day with the Scots! Maybe Max can use his sugar lifting muscles for the caber toss! :)