Sunday, February 28, 2010


We had a special stake conference today. Elder L. Tom Perry was our guest speaker. I have been looking forward to this for the last two weeks, knowing that hearing him speak would fill my cup of spirituality up just a little more. Even after I found out Rich was singing in the choir and would not be able to sit with me and help with the kids, I was still optimistic that I would have a wonderful day at our stake conference meeting.
Uhh... Things didn't turn out exactly as planned. And I don't remember much of what was actally said, except that Elder Perry kept commenting on the boys sitting on the front row infront of him, and I was so glad that we weren't sitting in those seats. Max wet his pull-up and it leaked out on his pants so we had to leave and take care of things in the bathroom. Gavin didn't want to share books or goldfish and let everyone around us know with his shrieks. Peter insisted on leaving for a drink because he was 'getting sweaty' because he was so hot. I insisted that he sit still and wait till the meeting was over, and this conversation between the two of us went on and on... And Gavin kept throwing his water bottle to the people in the row in front of us, over hand. I was so embarrassed.
And my spiritual cup was not filled.

On a side note. Last night I gave all the boys hair cuts. Starting with Gavin. I ended up just buzzing his hair. And Max came in just as I was finishing it up. He was so worried and upset saying "what? Put his hair back on mommy!!!" Then he realized it was his turn next. "No, No, No!!! Not my cool dudes!!! Don't take my cool dudes off!!!" He seriously so worried I was going to buzz his head and he couldn't have his mohawk cool dudes anymore! Poor boy. I managed to convince him I wouldn't, I just wanted to make his cool dudes shorter. He said ok, as long as daddy held him. He still doesn't like Gavin's short buzz, and has told me like a thousand times today.

1 comment:

The MK Crew said...

I've heard that moms don't always have to hear what's being said, we can somehow absorb the spirit. That always makes me feel a little better.