Monday, September 17, 2007

My Little Caterpillar

Yesterday at church I was in the hall with Max because he wasn't being the most reverent 7 month old there is. And even at such a young age he has realized that if he cries, I will take him out, and then he is happy. I sat down and put him on his tummy on the floor. I soon noticed that he was trying to move!! So, I put a little treat for him just out of hands reach and guess what?? He moved to it! I say moved and not crawled because it was definitely not a crawl. To describe it it was more like a caterpillar move. First his bum would go up and he would be on all fours. He would rock for a minute and then he'd be down on his tummy again. He'd stretch his arms as far as they would go and then he'd pull his feet in so his bum would be up in the air again and he'd start caterpillaring all over again until he got his snack. I am so proud of my little caterpillar! So, he has learned a new trick, and I was so happy when he did it again for the family when we came home from church. What a big boy!!

1 comment:

Steve and Cyndi said...

Love the caterpillar crawl! New tricks are always so fun!

I really don't have any idea about time for Saturday... I know we need to run a few errands (do they ever end?!!) I doubt we will leave here before 10 AM. I'm thinking we'll do some errands first and then just enjoy time with you guys before heading back... Does that sound okay?