Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Peter's Playgroup

Peter is 3 years old. He has too much energy to contain, he is a sugar magnet and can find the oldest piece of candy hidden in the deepest part of the couch cushions without any effort at all, he is finally potty trained, he has those huge blue puppy dog eyes that make it hard for me to discipline him, and he gets sad when Sophie is always going on a play date to a friends house, or going to preschool. So, I decided to form a playgroup for him. There happens to be 3 other boys his same age right here by us(I can see 2 out of the 3 houses out my front door.), so now once a week they are all getting together to play! I didn't think any structure would be a good idea since boys are boys and they are still a little young. But this morning Peter was so excited that his friends were all coming over to HIS HOUSE to play. He has been running and jumping all over! At this moment I can hear loud sounds of laughing and having fun, so on day one of playgroup we are achieving what we set out to do, get our boys together to have fun, and give us moms a break for a little bit. Have you ever noticed that when you have other kids over that all the kids entertain themselves and it is sometimes easier than having only your children at home? I often experience that. My Peter is growing up, and he is getting old enough to have friends of his own to have play dates with. He has been waiting for this day!

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