Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I just killed 9 flies in my kitchen!!!!
And there is a 10th one that is as fast as a cheeta, I can't seem to catch him. His crazy flight patterns are too much to keep up on and I can't always see where he lands. But before the day is through he will be mine!!! Talk about gross! How do they keep getting in and multiplying the way they do? Is it just to get my goat? I hate these little critters. And since I told my kids that flies eat garbage and dirt, we have a household of fly killers. They used to try and catch them, now we all reach for the fly swatters and whack away....

1 comment:

Janalynn said...

I agree! YUKE! the beginning of the summer it was earwigs, now flys! seems as if there will always be something!:o)!