Monday, September 21, 2009

Potty and M&M's

He did it for the first time! Max went potty in the toilet. I am no where near potty training, but he slept for 13 hours last night and woke up dry. I knew he must have had a full bladder so we tried, and succeeded!!! Off to the store for some m&m's to put in our cool dispenser that he gets to give one turn for each potty!! And he did it after his nap too!! Ahh, maybe potty training will be in our future. No rush. We'll just go after bed and naps for now. That's what we did with Peter, with no real talk of potty otherwise, and one morning he didn't want to put a diaper on after his morning potty and was then potty trained in less than a week. His decision, and it was so easy. So we're trying it with Max... Warming the pot...

1 comment:

Dillard Family said...

Good job Max! M&M's are a great idea. We just sing the potty song. I think candy might help. Hope you are all well. XOXO