Saturday, February 9, 2008


We had fun at Chuck-E-Cheese today with our fun cousins. We went to celebrate our boys birthdays. Max and Ben were born 3 days apart. So we had to celebrate together. We should have made a reservation because there was a 45 minute wait!!! Just to get into the joint! Talk about crazy! But once in we had so much fun eating pizza, and playing games. Sophie and Natalee went off and played, and they won tons of tickets! Sophie used hers to buy fun rainbow lollie pops for her and Peter. He had wanted it the whole time we were there, and we heard about it every 5 minutes. Peter liked to run off with Sam, and he got sad when Sam went up to play in the tubes and slides. Peter was too scared to go up there. Thomas kept disapearing, and we never knew where he was! That little rascal! To explain the top 2 pictures of Max. We put him and Ben on the Monster Truck ride, and Max did not enjoy it. The ride kind of tumbled and turned, and there were no seatbelts. He kept sliding around. We are hoping this is not a sign of things to come. Peter wouldn't even go on that ride, or any come to think of it. But we had a great 2 hours today playing and having fun. Happy Birthday Boys.
And on my happy note, this marked the end of birthday celebrations in any form in our family until the summer, and I am thankful. Three birthdays in 2 weeks, with celebrations on going for almost 4 weeks about did me in. I am done for now.

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