Monday, February 11, 2008

Me and My Valentine

How long have you been together? We've been married now for 6 1/2 years! Time flies when you are in love...
How long did you date? Well...... We 'dated' for 3 weeks before we were officially engaged! Can you believe it! I look at that and it sounds crazy. But when it's right, it's right. And we only spent 13 days together during our 2 1/2 month engagement! We were practically strangers!
How old is he? He'll hit the big 3-0 this summer.
Who eats more? He does. He eats everything. He even eats things he doesn't like because he doesn't like to waste food.
Who said "I love you" first? He did.
Who is taller? Rich is. He is 6" and I am 5"2'
Who sings better? We both like to sing. He is even in our ward choir right now, volunterily!
Who is smarter? That's a silly question. What does smart mean anyway? We are both smart. Some times in the same way, sometimes in different ways.
Who does the laundry? I do.
Who does the dishes? I do, but sometimes, if I'm lucky, he'll pitch in.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Rich does, but we usually both end up there, I like to cuddle.
Who pays the bills? I do, but only because Rich gives me money to pay them!
Who mows the lawn? Rich does. But I've mowed a row here and there
Who cooks dinner? I do--and Rich makes a hot family breakfast, almost every morning.
Who is more stubborn? He may say he can be. But we all know I am the true stubborn one, on certain issues.
Who kissed who first? Long story short, I did. He was the first person I ever kissed first. I think it's the guys job to make that first move. But I broke my own rule with Rich.
Who asked who out? Again, a really long story. But Rich asked me out, because he had nothing better to do when he was visiting friends in Rexburg. They were all busy and I was free. Funny how things work out!
Who proposed? He did- during my first ever easter egg hunt. It was so romantic and very well planned out. Taking me all over town. I loved it!!
Who is more sensitive? That's a toss up. Rich has a big sensitive side, but I'm right up there too.
Who has more friends? I guess I do. I don't like that question. Most of our friends are mutual.
Who has more siblings? Uh, Rich. He has 9 and I have 1.
Who wears the pants in the relationship? We both use a leg. (I stole that line, but love it)
Who are you tagging? Cyndi, Jamie, JaNece.

1 comment:

Muir Family said...

I knew your engagement was short, but I had no idea it was that short. You go girl!!