Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Funny Quirks

Ever wonder where the funny quirks your kids have come from? I do all the time. My kids always make me laugh and I wonder where they get it from. For example, Max loves to act out his sentences instead of just saying it straight out. I always thought it came from the fact that he had such a hard time learning how to speak. And although I still think that is a big part of it, I caught myself doing it the other day in a conversation with a friend. I totally felt silly in the middle of it when the realization came to me... Was I acting like Max, or is Max acting like me? I was not nearly as dramatic as Max, but all in all, I had to laugh at myself.
This was what Max acted out yesterday.
We were in the garage getting ready to walk over and pick Peter up from Kindergarten. I was getting Gavin in the stroller as Max was wandering on the driveway. He came running back to me and said "Mom, baby spider do that..." as he proceeded to make his hand look like a spider and then he calmly layed on the garage floor and kicked his hands and feet up in the air and got up and said " that..." and he ran back and pointed to the spider. It was dead and on his back and crumpled up with his legs in the air. It was so funny!
And last night eating cookies he said out of the blue, "me cookie monster..." and started eating a cookie like cookie monster, with wild hands, crumbs, and a lot of 'yum, yum's.
Seriously, words don't do that kid justice. Gotta love him.

1 comment:

Steve and Cyndi said...

haha! that's funny! I LOVE the spider reenactment! And I too often where Shelby has picked up some of her quirks... like picking at things, and pushing EVERY button... hmm, I sure don't have to wonder for long! :)