Thursday, August 30, 2007

Kisses from Max

Max just woke up from his afternoon nap. I heard him on the baby monitor (I actually remembered to turn it on today!). So, I walked up stairs to see my little man. Sitting in the glider with him standing on my lap - he loves standing up - I started giving him little kisses, making that lip smaking sound. He thought it was funny, so of course I kept doing it. When I would go to kiss him on the mouth he would open his mouth (why do babies do that? All of mine have) and I would make that kiss sound in his open mouth and it echoed. Max loved it and started leaning his face close to me with his mouth open, wanting more kisses. So, I kept it up, over and over for a few minutes. Then I realized how much I love him and how fast he is growing up. He is 7 months old now!! And I am so thankful that I can spend so much time with him, even if it is just sitting together, kissing!!!

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