Thursday, August 30, 2007

Our Monkey Sophie

Nicknames are a funny thing. Where do they actually come from? And why do some of them stick so well? Those are some of the mysteries of life. Our Darling Daughter Sophie has the nickname of "Monkey". I know this may be a common nickname used by parents out there. And I assume and imagine that some of those children get that name from the fact that those kids climb on anything and everything, like monkeys. That is not our case. I can't recall the first time we started calling Sophie 'Monkey' but it is a nickname that has come and stuck. These pictures of her climbing in the peach tree is probably the fist time she has climbed anything. Not that she is scared. Infact, as of late she has become super adventurous and even wanted to go down the super steep water slide at Seven Peaks in Provo this summer. (She couldn't because she was too short, but I believe she would have if she had the chance) My kids just don't climb. Not even out of their crib, or to get a snack out of the cupboard. But I love them anyway. And our little Monkey will probably keep her nickname.

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