Monday, February 1, 2010

A new post!

It's been a month - again - since the last time I've posted. Pictures are waiting to go on, but it hasn't happened yet. Even the ones from Christmas are still waiting...
In fact I'm having a hard time with my chores too. I made these fun octopus chore charts for the kids a few months ago. The legs are the chores and they get to put them on the octopus when they do the chore. It worked pretty well. And it was an easy visual for the kids to see when they were finally done and could play with friends or something. But the novelty of the new chore chart has worn off, so I made new ones again. This time they are bingo chore charts. They are cute. Little clip art pics that we each colored, and we made cute magnet bingo pieces by finding little things like beads, jewels and ribbon flowers and hot glued them to little magnets. And I decided to make one for me and Rich too. Does that seem too silly to make a grown up chore chart for a 30 yr old?? Well I figured it worked so well for the kids, that maybe it can work for me too. And I can see an end each day, so I'm not thinking I need to be doing chores all day long. Here's to a new chapter in my life. A chore chart!!

So you may be wondering what our chores are?? We each have 9.
Sophie/Peter (they alternate some chores according to odd/even days)
alternate-empty 1/2 dishwasher (top & bottom)
alternate-empty basket (we have one that goes upstairs, and one that goes downstairs and they fill up fast)
make bed/clean room
alternate-pick up the floor (hard floor or carpet)
serve others
help the baby
help mom (with anything I ask like set the table, put clothes away, go play downstairs)
practice piano (Sophie) / empty upstairs trash (Peter)

pick up toys (even one counts sometimes)
dishes (again, even one dish counts)
play with baby (nicely!!)
be happy (most important chore!!!)
wash face (this is always necessary, what does he do to his face all the time???)
read with mom
pick up floor (kind of doubles with pick up toys, but hey...)
help mom
go potty (maybe he will get potty trained before the summer!!!)

read scriptures/write in journal
daily chore (something silly I made up a year or so ago: Mon - mop/deep vacuum, Tues - toilet room, Wed - walls & windows, Thurs - thoroughly dust, Fri - food room, Sat - special project)
exercise (I need to get back in action)
play with kids (sometimes I need that extra reminder to stop everything else and just play)
prepare and make dinner (I've gotten out of the habit with school, my poor family...)
mail (mail and papers are my enemy - they piles up so fast!)

Really I am just letting you know to make myself feel more accountable in life and to find routine and order again. So wish me luck!!!


Kierstin said...

I think that's great! 30+ year old mommies definitely need reminders too keep their brains straight :) You are a woman after my own heart, Heather! I think we think a lot a like sometimes :) Good luck with your chores and you have inspired me to write my own little 'chore chart' for myself (kids already have one and it works like a charm!)

The MK Crew said...

Love your Christmas pictures! Such an adorable family! I especially love the one of the kids-Gavin trying to get away, Sophie keeping him there. (She looks so much like you!) And Max laughing at Peter being goofy. Isn't that how pictures really are?! And I love that you made a job chart for you! Maybe I should make one for me too!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm really impressed. Good luck with all the chore charts. Sometimes even adults need a chore chart.

Janalynn said...

Everyobne needs a list to cross off. I love the ideas! What a good mom you are! Whatever works!

Steve and Cyndi said...

I guess its been a while since we've been over! I haven't seen the new chore chart! How is that working out for you?

I miss your blog posts!