Saturday, February 6, 2010

Temple #3


It was a fun day today especially because it was Sophie's birthday, but also because we got to add another temple to our list. Steve and Cyndi were supposed to go with us, but Steve ended up being on call and it was just the two of us. This was the first session I have ever done in Logan. It is a beautiful temple. But we could only see it up close today, the fog was pretty bad. Especially on the drive up. But Rich should be used to driving in fog after our trip to Canada at Christmas.

When we were done we got to share Sophie's birthday cake with Cyndi and Elise who also have February birthdays. It was a fun night.

1 comment:

Steve and Cyndi said...

Yea! We were glad to have you! I think you should do the Logan temple again! :) This time we could plan around Steve's on call and we could all go!