Saturday, November 24, 2007

Christmas Decorating 101

The best advice I can give for someone putting up their decorations is to either:
A- Have the kids leave the house for a few hours
B- Have someone else do it!
We spent the better part of the day yesterday putting up our 2 Christmas trees, unloading and loading decorations boxes, and trying to keep the kids from touching everything!! We wanted them to help, but on our terms, not theirs... We tried to keep them occupied with snacks and Christmas music and Christmas movies. But they still helped more than we needed.
The best thing that came out of this long experience is that Max has learned the meaning of "No No" It didn't take too long either! A few hand slaps and stern 'no no's and it was in the bag. Now when he goes near the dangling and shiney ornaments on the tree at his level, that seem to be calling his name we can say "No No Max!" he will turn to look at us, get sad puppy dog eyes, stick out his lower lip and cry. He then will turn around and continue to cry as he crawls away from the temptation of the Christmas tree... I wish the other kids could remember the meaning of 'no no' and 'don't touch the tree'...

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