Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Changing Sides

In preparation for our little arrivial any time in the next 2-4 weeks we have changed things up a bit. Including setting up a second crib for Max in Peter's room(thanks Tawna for letting us borrow that, it is a life saver!!) (the story of getting the boys to share a room is a whole new story for an even longer and more frustrating post. I'll save that for later...)and changing our crib in the baby room up to the highest level again. We set up a bassinet in our room in anticipation for the first few weeks of frequent wakings and feedings of our little baby boy. The best place for the bassinet happened to be on Rich's side of the bed. So we are/have switched sleeping spots to get ready for all the fun. So now I sleep on the right side of the bed, not the left. Now to clearify, we have slept on random sides of the bed our whole married life depending on the bed placement and room layout, I usually sleep closest to the door so I can be the one to get up with kids in the night for random reasons, so Rich can get his beauty rest. Some of you may disagree with this thinking, and say that daddy should get up with the kids too in the night. But he works all day to support our family and needs to get good sleep, and my job is mom - both day and night . So I have slept on the right before. But we've never just switched sides in the middle of a perfectly good thing. But down to my point...
I don't know what to do. Being HUGE and pregnant I have enough sleeping problems to deal with (late night bathroom trips, heart burn, and tossing the titanic (my belly) from one side to the other with heavy baby finding new comfy spots each time I move, leg cramps, and more including those waking moments where all I can think about is what I didn't do the day before and all I need to do the next day - wondering if I should just get out of bed at that moment to do the job while the house is still and quiet.) But this is the last straw, and I can't sleep soundly! I use the same head, leg and knee pillows, same blankets or lack there of lately and all I do is toss and turn all night long, trying to find that comfy position that has abandonded this new side of the bed. I am at a loss for what to do. But I had better figure something out, and soon. This is my new home for the next few months and I'd better get used to it! HELP...


Biffy said...

I so feel your pain! All of my pregnancies have afflicted me with a healthy dose of insomnia and I have never tried to switch sides to complicate things! It gets to the point where you realize that once you have the baby you'll actually be getting MORE sleep. Good luck! Now when can the kids come over to play so you can nap?

Muir Family said...

If it were me, I'd switch sides until I had the baby, then try again after. I'd rather walk around the bed once or twice to get the baby than not get any sleep at all. Good luck!!! I'll be in your position in no time---i'm not looking forward to that.

The Dixon Family said...

Okay so this might be a little bit creepy, but I found you guys! I've been talking to Steve and decided to google you and there you were! Congrats on the 3 (almost 4) kiddos! You both are still so adorable and I'm so happy we've reconnected!

You can get to Starr's blog from mine . . .what a small world, right? Ever in Denver?

Jordan (Kemsley) Dixon (from Greenbrier)