Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Heads Up!!

For my entire pregnancy now (which is almost 9 months) this baby boy has sat breech. Headstraight up, resting on the placenta as if it were a pillow! I really didn't think it was that funny, especially the further along I got. Well, today was another one of my doctor appointments and I have been so stressed out about him not turning... Not that he doesn't move. He does, and wiggles all around, but never where he needs to be. I was pleasantly surprised and relieved when the ultra sound showed that he was HEADS DOWN and ready to party!!! And I am now ready for him to come(I even have the car seat in latched in the van already)! I am almost 37 weeks, which is the safe zone. And it has come not a moment too soon. I FEEL ginormous!! (is that really a word, because I use it often enough) and TIRED! I have a friend who is also pregnant (I won't be naming any names, but we both have a boy named Max...) and she is due right now and looks fabulous! And she has a tiny tummy and always is energetic, like being 9 months pregnant doesn't phase her at all!! Not fair I tell you, but lucky her!!! But back to the point. I just wanted to say that I am now joyfully anticipating the normal birth (no C-section for me) of our healthy and beautiful baby boy. Probably will be a little sparse of the blog posts until he comes (which could be anytime between now and 3-4 weeks.). So be patient. Keep your fingers crossed that all will go well, and we really want him born on a weekend so that Rich doesn't have to miss (much) work.

The baby is coming and the goose is getting fat (oh wait, am I the goose (gained 50 lbs now) or the baby (8 lbs today - he measured twice!)).


The Dixon Family said...

Good luck! Hopefully all goes well . . .he's off to a good start!

Heidi said...

WOW not that much time left!! How exciting! I hope that he comes on a Friday for ya!! You really should post a picture of yourself I don't see how you could gain 50 lbs!!

Kierstin said...

Heather, you make me laugh!! I had the same issue with this little one about a month ago. She too was 'heads up' and I worried that she would be breech, but she is defiantly down now and crushing every pelvic nerve I have. My legs go numb regularly as I walk around doing my daily chores and stuff. It's so fun, isn't it? I'm excited to have her and she has officially worn out her welcome... I only have a couple of days left!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My youngest was breech until my 37th week too! It WAS worrisome!!! I wish you good luck on a healthy delivery of your sweet little one!!! :)

Muir Family said...

So funny. He will be here soon!!! I still have 8 weeks and I feel ginormous!!! I'll be excited to see the little guy, be sure to post some pics.