I haven't done a tag in a while now. And this one looks like fun. Thanks Cyndi
A is for age: 28 years old
B is for burger of choice: My favorite is a hamburger with swiss and cheddar cheese, bacon, BBQ sauce and ketchup. Maybe a little sauted onions and lettuce too. All on a thick & sturdy toasted bun. Paired with crispy french fries of course!
C is for the car I drive: 2003 Chevy Venture, WB Edition. (a mini van)
D is for your dog's name: No pets for me!! I used to think I wanted a little dog, but since Rich's brother (who lives with us) got a dog for Christmas last year I have made the decision that I DO NOT want a dog! It will take either a lot of years and a lot of convincing to change my mind on this one...
E is for essential item you use every day: my voice. What would I do if I couldn't talk to my kids, asking them to do their chores or repremand them for naughty choices, or read them a story. Also I love being able to tell my husband I love him everyday.
F is for favorite TV show at the moment: It is the summer and that means NO SHOWS for us!! It's easy to keep the TV turned off in the summer for some reason, but much harder durning the rest of the year where I am a regular viewer, and maybe a little addicted to a couple shows. Namely LOST, AMERICAN IDOL, and this year we added HELL'S KITCHEN and THE OFFICE to the list.
G is for favorite game: Any!! I love games. My regular playing partners are Sophie and Peter so we play a lot of Candy Land, Checkers, and Bingo. But I also enjoy card games like Pit or Cribbage and board games like Scategories and Clue, and SOOO many more.
H is for home state: Born in Texas, but raised in BC, Canada. That's where I call home.
I is for instruments you play: Though not an expert in any. I can play the piano and flute. I think it is vitally important to learn to play an instrument - whatever it may be, and especially to be able to read music.
J is for favorite juice: I am a water drinker. Hard Core. But once and a while I will enjoy a glass of OJ (with pulp) with my breakfast.
K is for whose bum you'd like to kick: Just my kids every now and then. And today, my baby in utero. I am ready for him to come out at any time.
L is for last restaurant at which you ate: El Burito on Thursday night. We had a gift certificate. It's Mexican food. But I am more excited about the restaurant before that. The Roof in SLC for our anniversary. That food is SO yummy - and I was on a date. Double bonus!
M is for your favorite Muppet: Miss Piggy.
N is for number of piercings: I currently have 2 usable holes. One on each ear. But in my teen years I had to holes in each ear along with one hole at the top of my left ear.
O is for overnight hospital stays: Only after each child was born.
P is for people you were with today: I have been with my husband, 3 kids, and seen my in-laws.
Q is for what you do with your quiet time: lately it is all about the nap. But at other times I also enjoy reading, blogging, etc.
R is for biggest regret: I don't believe in regrets. I think we all try to do our best and make the best decisions we can at the time. Hind sight is 20/20 and it's not fair to judge your life by should've, could've would've's. We all just learn from where we have been and move forward.
S is for status: Happily married to the love of my life for 7 years now. With countless years to come.
T is for time you woke up today: 5:45am, went potty and lazily stayed in bed till 7am! Usually I hop in the shower at 6:30am.
U is for what you consider unique about yourself: This is way too tough for me. Not that I don't think I am special or anything. But I can't think of anything I am or can do that is different from anyone else I know. But I will say that I HATE tomatoes. They are just plain awful! But when I plant my garden each year it wouldn't be complete without tomatos. So they get planted, Rich eats some and we give away the rest. They are beautiful vegatables, just yucky (but don't tell my kids that! I try not to pass my food dislikes to my kids - letting them make up their own mind)
V is for vegetable you love: Most. Especially asparagus, fresh steamed brocolli, carrots any way, peas, fresh peas in the pod from the garden, spinach salads, cucumber, corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, reg potatos, fresh green and yellow beans......
W is for worst habit: Cyndi, I am the same as you. I think I worry way too much! About eveything! What if I show up at the wrong place at the wrong time, what if someone comes over and my house isn't clean, what if things don't go as planned, what if what if what if...
X is for x-rays you've had: just dental x-rays as far as I know. Oh, and spinal x-rays for Rich during school. I've never broken anything, so I think that's all.
Y is for yummy food you ate today: crepes for breakfast!!! Loaded with strawberries, bananas, and kiwi's!
Z is for zodiac: Aquarius.
So, now I tag Kristin, Biffy, and Lynette, and of course any one else that would like to do it!
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