Sunday, September 28, 2008

Eight Weeks Old

Gavin always makes these arms when lying down and is content. It reminds me of little muscle arms (that or marshmallows!) I just love it!!!
What else do I love about my new baby???
-I love the way he smells just after a bath.
-I love his big bright eyes. I hope they stay blue.
-I love his smile and laughter that comes from the back of his throat.
-I love the new cooing noises he is starting to make.
-I love that he can track me with his eyes around the room.
-I love the way it feels like he is holding and hugging me when I hold him over my shoulder.
-I love dressing him up, even if doesn't fit into any of his cute 0-3 month clothes anymore.
-I love his peaceful countenance.
-I just love how sinking cute he is.
-I love that he sleeps at least 8 hours in a span at night now. If only I could too...

1 comment:

Biffy said...

Ooooh, he is just so squishy and yummy! Do you know what I love? I love how you are savoring every moment of that sweet Gavin, even when you have a houseful! You're the best!