Friday, September 12, 2008


Fall is such an amazing season and it is coming in full force. I am starting to notice a tree here and there that are changing colors. But the best thing is the weather. I LOVE IT! It is still warm enough to wear short sleeves and be SO comfortable outside. Not too cold or hot, just perfect. It is the best weather for walking and going to the park - like today. We played for 2 hours today. Max is amazing and adventurous. He would crawl up the playground stairs alone and head down the big slides on his own - head first. And then do it all over again. There was a group of girls that were 12 or 13yrs old and Sophie was following them around a little - hoping they would notice her. So cute. Gavin slept the whole time in his car seat. And Peter made buddies with the boy in the red shirt as he kept calling him. I hope this weather lasts a little longer. I want to enjoy every minute of it. On the drive home we saw a rainbow in the sky - even though we didn't have any rain where we were. It was beautiful and I think it's the first time the kids have seen a real rainbow. We had to stop and get out of the car. We watched it till it faded away.

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