Sunday, September 14, 2008

Six Weeks Old

Today Gavin turned 6 weeks old. It was his first Sunday at church, our first Sunday to church together as a family. And he was perfect. He looked so beautiful in his blessing tuxedo. And Richard gave him such a beauiful blessing. A wonderful day. He has started to smile a little. I am sad to say I was one of the last people he smiled at. How is that fair? I am the one who holds him most, feeds him always, and changes him all the time... Yet he displays his advances and tricks for others before me. Oh well, I know he loves me. And I love him.

How could I choose just one picture today? They are all so cute! I love my Gavin...

1 comment:

Amber said...

I love the picture of Gavin with his pinky finger in the air. It reminds me of an Englishman saying "Would you like a cup of tea?" Too cute!