Sophie (Mike Wozoisky), Peter (half Power Ranger), and Max (Dumbo). I make them wear warm costumes on Halloween night. I have this thing about wearing a coat over your costume. YOU CAN"T SEE IT!!! I insist on being able to see the full costume at all times. So they either have to pack it on underneath, or wear a big warm one. Even though this was an exceptionally warm Halloween. RIch and I had short sleeves all night. Even the light rain didn't make it too cold for anyone.
Sleepy baby, fully co-operating for our fun night out. All bundled up in his Pooh Bear flower sack thingy.
Max was such a cute Dumbo. He insisted on carrying his bucket the entire way. I think he was afraid he would loose his candy if he let go. But we were sneaky and kept emptying it out so it was light enough for him to carry.
Yum Yum, What a great day. Starting with a late almost brunch of pumpkin pancakes with all the fixin's. Followed by mid day pumpkin carving. And the traditional yummy dinner in a pumpkin(and spaghetti squash) followed by funtastic trick-or-treating. Steve and Cyndi were still here and took Shelby trick-or-treating with us for a while and then she needed to go to bed. We kept going because Gavin fell asleep in the stroller and we couldn't go fast enough for Sophie and Peter. Max loved it too this year, but was a little slow on the go. I eventually came home with the babies. Peter came home a little after that and Sophie had Rich going till HE finally had to make her stop. I will say this, we got a lot of full sized candy bars this year!! Thanks to some great tips from the neighbors. And the other neighbor had a cool haunted house set up in their garage for trick-or-treaters to enter... if they dared! Peter was back and forth all night about wanting to go through it. He finally made his decision of YES after the babies were in bed. The night was near ending and trick-or-treating was slowing so it was just us. They asked us if we wanted less or more scary. Less. So they pretty much did nothing as we walked through the human statue, spooky music, foggy and dark garage. He clung so tight to me as I carried him, and wanted to leave part way through. Then had the gaul to say he wasn't scared at all in the haunted house!! Short term memory loss I guess. I'm glad he wanted to do it though. It was a great night. I love Halloween, dressing up and going from house to house trick-or-treating. It's never been about the candy for me. It's about the experience and the memories. I hope we can make it great for our kids year after year.