Monday, June 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Peter!!!

So the birthday person gets to plan the menu for the day. Peter wanted donuts. For breakfast, lunch, dinner, cake and all. I was able to deliver on the breakfast end and even had an easy time decorating a cake to look like a giant donut. But he was out of luck on the other meals. Sorry bud. And the birthday boy also doesn't have to do any chores, or share any new things he may get as presents on his birthday.

Could you describe Peter any better than this!!
I love to collect gifts when they go on sale at the store, and this year I wasn't keeping track and ended up with a mountain of gifts. But that's ok. I even wrapped up a pack of gum, and underwear... Sophie gave him a new webkinz lil'kinz that is a white puppy with pink on her back and she said he had to name her Sparkles. Funny girl. He loved the circus cranium game and we played it a dozen times today. And his awesome transformer jammies. Iron man guys he's been begging for and a sponge bob candy dispenser were in there too. But his all time favorite was the Number Busters from Little Tykes. What an awesome toy/game for Peter. Little guys with numbers on the bottom of their feet that you can do simple math games wit. He had fun NOT sharing those. Much to Max and Gavin's dismay!

But let's talk about Peter. He is amazing to me. He looks identical to his dad. And I love his big blue eyes and long, thick eyelashes that make every woman jealous. I can't believe he is 5 yrs old. It has come too fast! He is so fun... Most of the time. Be careful not to get on his bad side though, he does have a hidden temper that I have never seen equal in another child. He has taken to overturning chairs, opening the cupboard and throwing the sippy cups, yelling or throwing anything that gets in his path. He doesn't use the 'kick the couch' very often. That's what I said he could do if he feels angry.
But let's not forget why we are here. To celebrate the life of this amazing little boy. A couple weeks ago he came to me and said 'Mom, I want to tell you I love you - every day." And he never forgets. It is usually at some random time during the day and he'll come up and hug my side and say 'I didn't tell you I love you yet today. I love you mom!" And it melts my heart every time. He loves, or demands to be the center of attention by telling the funniest joke, or being the loudest kid in the room (it's usually the case), or by using potty humor. Why is that so funny to boys? He always wants to play with friends. He is so bright eyed and bushy tailed first thing in the morning, and is rarely grumpy. He may literally take Hours to finish his chores, but he is responsible when he wants to be. He has never left his bike out of the garage. He always remembers to put it away right after he is finished riding it. And he puts his vtech video games away every time too. Even if the cords are all displaced and jumbled in the drawer because he hasn't yet learned how to wind the cords up. I am happy that he is trying, and trying hard too.He loves to pick out his own clothes and show me how they match. 'the tiny light blue stripe matches the bright blue shirt.' or 'everything matches these shorts, mom!' When they clearly don't. He surprises me by correctly answering questions during family scripture reading. It surely does not look like he is paying any attention at all. Maybe his ears are actually on the back of his head! Because somehow it all seeps in, at least some of it. He may be the life of the party, but he has his shy moments, like when he is too shy to go up to the front of primary when his name is called to sing him the birthday song. I could see him mouthing "NO WAY!" to his teachers. I wanted to stay and watch him. He offers the sweetest prayers from his heart and is always thankful for his family and tries hard to remember the important things from his day to be thankful for. I love Peter. He is so wonderful, smart, proud of his accomplishments, strong, dependant on me sometimes ( I like a mama's boy), funny, willing to compromise, kind, thoughtful, delightful, and so full of sugar that he is so sweet! He is such a vital part of our little family. I feel so blessed to be Peter's mother.

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