Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Maxwell Smurf Turns Two

It was a Smurf-tastic birthday!!

Max liked blowing out his candles on his smurfday cake!

He WANTED to sit by his smurfs that he smurfed with all day long for a posed picture. That never smurfs. He usually hates to smurf his picture taken and never co-operates!

Mmm! Smurfday breakfast!

The Smurftacular Smurf Cake for our 2 year old!
What started out being a cute circus cake ended up being a smurf cake. How it happened? Well, I was at the store looking for little circus animals to put on the cake and ended up finding this awesome set of smurfs!! Not to mention my cake rose funny into a mushroom top, perfect for a mushroom house that smurfs live in!!! So ta-da!! And with a Smurf DVD to top it off, our kids have now been introduced to one of our childhood memories of Saturday cartoons. It has been really fun to watch these cartoons with the kids today. Nothing like classic cartoons. I was afraid that Max wouldn't like the smurf toys, but it is just the opposite. He LOVES them and won't share them with anyone! Much to Peter's dismay... Fun birthday surprise!

Smurfing the cake before it is cut!!!

I can't believe my little boy is two years old already! Time certianly has flown by since the day he was born. I cannot imagine our family without Maxwell. In all respects. He is so funny and independent (that means he is stubborn!!!) and he knows what he wants, even when we don't. I have recently taken him to a speech therapist to help with his speech development. It turns out he is at a 16 month level of speaking. I was told to continue encouraging sign language as much as possible to help ease the frustration Max has with communication. He enjoys the signs and the fact that I finally know what he wants without having to say "do you want THIS... do you want THIS... do you want THIS... do you want THIS..........." He has some funny habits, like the way he turns the binki in his mouth when he is upset like he is thinking that turning it will help him calm down. Or the way he trades one binki out for the other, different flavors?? He also likes to wave night night to all the pictures in his house before a nap. He loves toothbrushes - all of them. So we have to keep the other kids put up, or he will use them all. Max loves to read. He LOVES Cars (from the Disney Movie), and its his favorite show. He always asks for it, especially when he is crying. We lost it once for 10 days. Bad days. He is our only kid to LOVE milk. Strawberry milk that is. We tried to think of his favorite meal to have for dinner and couldn't come up with anything. He doesn't really like dinner and never eats much on his plate. He loves to go over to Grandma and Granpa's all the time to get a sucker. He loves suckers, and all candy. Max is tender too. He is a good big brother and likes to share his binki with Gavin. He can now throw diapers away in the garbage! And loves to help. I love it when he sees me wiping off the table or something and he goes to find another cloth out of the drawer and comes over to help. He likes to be clean, even though he isn't most of the time (blame candy and treats for that). He gets so sad when the big kids go out and he can't go with them. He thinks he's as big as they are. Max is awesome. We all love him. He has been a delight to have in our family and we count him among our highest of blessings. It is fun to watch him learn and grow and we look forward to a life full of surprises with Maxwell.



Steve and Cyndi said...

Enjoying the new background! :)

LOVE the "smurfday" fun! What a cute cake! You're so creative with your kid's birthdays! What a fun mom you are!

Also, I'd love to hear more about what Max's speech therapist said. I'll have to ask you next time I see you, because that is SO very interesting to me!

Kierstin said...

No Way!!! I can't believe that they have Smurf toys!! I am totally getting those for my kids. Where did you get them? I am going to go online and see if I can find a rainbow bright for Mikaela and Mia. Ahhh, the good ol' days. I love your blog book by the way, that is awesome.

Amber said...

Wow. I can't believe it. They came back! Awesome cake, too. I think I actually saw Rainbow Brite in Target once. I love reliving childhood through my kids.

Dillard Family said...

Happy late Birthday Max!! That is the coolest cake ever. I want a smurf cake. You are so creative. Tell everyone Hello!!

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