Friday, January 23, 2009


I'd say it's pretty hard to pull the wool over my eyes. Especially for Rich. He is the worst secret keeper. He just can't do it. So tonight when we went over to 'pick up' our friends to go out to dinner and it turned out to be a surprise birthday party for me, I was blown away!!!!! It was so cool. There was dinner that everyone brought pot luck. Foods from different countries. Yum yum. And complete with birthday games. The dress up relay was awesome! And a Maggie Moos birthday cake put it over the top. Mmmm. And I loved that it was just us grown ups. The kiddo's were all with babysitters. I felt so akward and special having a party for me like that. And I really can't believe that it all got pulled off without any suspicion from me. Even when we pulled up to Tawna's house and I saw balloons in the window I was thinking to myself "huh, I guess they had a party..." No clue at all. Even when we were driving there and Rich said "oh no we forgot the camera!" I was surprised that he had thought I may want to take a picture while we were out on our double date. How blonde can I be??? But it was the best evening. Thanks everyone for coming and helping me have a great birthday. Being 29 will be awesome. I can already tell.

PS - thanks Tawna for helping Rich pull this all together in only a couple of days. How did you guys do it? You are such a great friend. Also, when you get a chance, could I snag some of those pictures you took at the party?

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