Friday, October 19, 2007

101 Fun and Interesting things about us.

1. I don't like indoor plants, they are too much work for me.
2. Richard's chiropractic office will be open for 2 years next month! Yeah!
3. Sophie is a sore loser, where did that come from...
4. Peter used to be obsessed with his cousin Sam, he would pretend that he was Sam. And that everyone in our family was actually the people in Sam's family. He's past that now, but he still loves Sam.
5. Peter is a grazer when it comes to eating.
6. Sophie hates getting her hair done. I think it is the worst thing in the world to her.
7. Rich is a sore loser when we play games, so we don't play a lot of games. When we were first married we played a card game and the winner got to pick what we ate for dinner. He lost and went to our room pouting while I made dinner.
8. I don't think I have a competitive bone in my body.
9. I love to bake and cook.
10. I have a hard time stopping a project until I am completely finished.
11. I have not bought a new pair of shoes in almost 3 years.
12. I can never eat just one bowl of cereal, I need at least 2 or more.
13. Richard can speak Portugese. He went to Brazil on his mission.
14. Rich takes every excuse to speak Portugese. Even talking to complete strangers.
15. I hate calling people on the phone. I like talking on the phone, but I don't like initiating the call.
16. Being a stay at home mom is a lot harder than I ever thought. You never get a break!
17. I don't ever want to fly standby again!
18. I love birthdays and birthday cake!
19. I don't like chocolate, but I love brownies, go figure.
20. I hate my hair.
21. I love having everything organized and in order.
22. Sophie also loves things in order and gets mad (at Peter) when they get messed up.
23. I bought my first car, a 1990 Honda Accord, when I was 21yrs old for $4000.
24. My favorite place I have lived since I have been married was Pittsburgh, PA.
25. I don't want to live in Utah for the rest of my life.
26. I love blogging.
27. Rich falls asleep the minute his head hits the pillow, every night.
28. Sophie loves to ride her bike.
29. Sophie doesn't like picking out her own clothes because she doesn't know what matches.
30. I had never written a check, or used a credit card until I got married.
31. Rich proposed to me in an elaborate easter egg hunt.
32. I had never participated in an easter egg hunt until I was propsed to.
33. Rich took me ring shopping after he had already designed and bought my engagement ring.
34. Peter thinks he's a pirate!
35. Sophie wants to go to Disneyland for her birthday.
36. Peter is terified of amuzement park rides of all kinds.
37. We love Disney!
38. I'm not a big fan of owning video games, but the Wii is really fun and I am thinking about buying one one day!
39. I make a homemade present for each of the kids each Christmas.
40. I love color on my walls.
41. I love gardening.
42. Rich and I decorate together for our hobby.
43. I do not believe in coincidences. I believe everything happens for a reason.
44. My favorite place to serve in a church calling is in Young Womens.
45. I love pictures, and taking pictures.
46. I used to want 8 kids, now I think I want 4.
47. I am glad that babies (usually) come one at a time.
48. I am afraid of the ocean.
49. Sophie loves to be the boss.
50. Peter never stops talking!!!
51. I have always wanted to sing in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
52. I love the beach.
53. I hate convertibles, and driving with the window open.
54. I love sun roofs in cars.
55. I really want a GPS Navigation System for the car.
56. I like doing housework, but I hate dusting.
57. I could organize things all day long. It is my passion.
58. We love to dance as a family to loud and crazy music.
59. We love to go out to ice cream as a family.
60. I love going on walks, but Rich doesn't.
61. I am addicted to the TV show Lost.
62. I have always wanted to be on The Price is Right.
63. Sophie can tie her shoes.
64. Peter is all about having a good time.
65. Max is predictable, and I love it.
66. I don't think I ever want a pet.
67. I get cold really easily. Rich gets hot really easily.
68. I fully believe that the human body was designed to heal itself.
69. I like to be spontaneous, but hate it when we have to change our plans.
70. I always wanted to be a ballerina, but never had the chance.
71. Sophie loves to play with older girls the best.
72. Rich and I were married 3 1/2 months after our first date.
73. We never had the chance to go on a honeymoon. I'll always regret that.
74. Richard is an amazing father.
75. I never dreamed I'd belong to such a large family. I always wanted a sister, and now I have 8 of them!
76. I love getting cards and letters in the mail.
77. I would rather go to the store to pay a bill than do it online, or by mail.
78. I love to sew, even though I am not very good at it.
79. My favorite color has always been pink. My friends growing up used to make fun of me for it.
80. I love taking long naps.
81. I have a serious phobia about losing parts or things, right now I am missing th 1/2 cup measuring cup in one of my 3 sets, and I can't get it off my mind. Where is it? I have this deep need to find it, and have the whole set back together again...
82. I am very scared of bees.
83. I have never been to a tanning salon.
84. I love collections, I have a problem collecting my collections over time. I want it all right now.
85. I have collections of pez dispensers, Disney snow globes, cookbooks, purses, movies, toys (the collections here don't end), kids books, fun socks, Willow Statues, picnic baskets, cloth napkins and napkin rings, board games, umbrellas, and some new collection is always catching my fancy.
86. Rich likes to collect ties, and I find his collection spread out all over the house as he takes his tie off after work and leaves them hanging around.
87. I love to scrapbook.
88. I love to make cards.
89. I don't love sports, and have never followed any of them.
90. Sophie is a beast to wake up in the morning.
91. Peter always pops right out of bed in the morning, wanting candy...
92. Rich and I sleep with eye masks on. It's the best thing we ever bought.
93. Rich and I don't exchange anniversary presents. We use the money we would have spent on a special date or activity.
94. Rich and I don't exchange Christmas presents anymore either.
95. We teach our kids that anyone can be Santa Clause.
96. I can eat a whole pumpkin pie in one sitting.
97. Christmas is the best time of the year.
98. I will never buy cloth couches again. They are too hard to clean with the messes kids make. The next couches we will buy will be leather.
99. Max already weighs 21 pounds at 8 1/2 months old. Sophie didn't weigh that until she was 1 1/2 years old.
100. Sophie is obsessed with weddings.
101. We all love watching movies, and always have to eat popcorn when watching!!!


Steve and Cyndi said...

I never mind to be copied! Rather I find it a compliment! To me it means you liked the blog! That and I enjoy comments! I feel sad if a blog has no comments! Did no one like it? I like to be validated in what I do!

I enjoyed getting to know your family better in 101 ways! Thanks!

Jamie said...

Hi Heather! I love your blog...your family is so cute. Long story about us being in Texas. Go to (old blog) for the whole scoop!

Anonymous said...

You are the most hard core blogger that I have ever seen. It's great to see what's going on in your life though, I feel like I talk to you all of the time.
We just bought a house in Vernon!!!
Moving in December.
PS. Sorry about making fun of pink.