Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Primary Program!

This year the Primary theme is "I'll Follow Him in Faith" And my calling at church is Primary 1st counselor. The main focus of my calling is to write the primary program that the kids present in sacrament meeting. So I had to come up with a way to fill the 40 minutes and give all 103 kids in my primary a part to read and say, coming from the things that they have learned this year, along with incorporating all 8 songs that the kids have learned so far this year. This has been a huge focus for me and I am surprised at how well it all finally came together. We had our last practice on Friday, and I walked away from there a little more than worried for how it would all turn out! But my prayers were answered and the program was really nice. I am so glad to have this out of the way! Hip hip horray!! After was all said and done I had to go to primary and give a sharing time. I didn't realize it was my turn to do sharing time until we were driving up to the church because all my focus on the Primary Program, and having gone to Florida for 4 days. So, my amazing husband dropped me and the kids off at church and he ran home to prepare something for me for sharing time! THANK YOU RICH!! Some how it all turned out ok, and I got to take a nap after church!!
Sophie got to be involved in the primary program for her first time this year. Her part to say was "I can be obedient." I took some parental liberty to assign this part to her! And she did such a good job! She also sat very revernt up there with her class, and she knew all the songs, of course! She has a primary CD that has all 8 songs they have learned on it and she has listend to it before bed all year. I think she sings the songs in her sleep!!!


Steve and Cyndi said...

I didn't know that was your calling. I thought you were still in YWs. Our program isn't until just before Thanksgiving, so we still have a few weeks to go. Primary Programs are always my favorite ones! Kids say the funniest things!

Jamie said...

Our program is this Sunday- we have 10 kids in the primary so each one has at least 5 parts! Sophie is so cute!