Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Today was a beautiful, crystal blue sky day. I was driving, running some errands today and noticed flags lining the street. They do that here for days like The 4th of July, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, etc... and I was racking my brain to figure out why there would be flags out today. I even asked Rich why and he was all knowing and said 'Today is 9-11' and then I felt dumb for not realizing it. It instantly made me think back to where I was and what I was doing when the tragic day hit our country. Where were you on 9-11-01? Rich and I had been married for a little over 2 months. We had a habit of sleeping in everyday and then watching The Price is Right at 10am together on our futon couch in our tiny apartment before I had to leave for work at 11am as a waitress at Olive Garden. We were bummed when we turned out little TV on at 10am to find the news - on every channel, and then we realized what they were saying and what was going on. We couldn't believe it... I had to go to work and they sent half of the staff home. I had to stay. I stayed and served what few customers had come in, and it was a surreal day. Rich had all his classes canceled. It felt like the world stopped. And then it slowly started again. Day by day and then year by year life continued. I was not personally effected that day, as so many others were, but I was effected. And here we are today, 6 years later and life has continued, almost without missing a beat. I am truly grateful for the country I live in and the freedom I have in all respects of my life. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for all the brave people out there who serve everyday to protect my family and this country I live in and love. It is hard not to take our freedom and safety for granted and realize the price that is paid for us to have it. I am thankful for the days when I am reminded of this blessing. And I am thankful that life always continues.

1 comment:

Steve and Cyndi said...

Where was I? I had just attended my grandmother's funeral (grandma candle as the Fords know her) and was scheduled to fly back to Rexburg about 9 that morning. My brother called about 6 AM just after the first plane hit and told me I would not be flying that day and to turn on the news. We turned it on just in time to see the second plane hit. I had to call all my professors at Ricks and let them know all planes were grounded and I would get back to school as soon as I could...