Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Maxwell Richard Dean Ford
Max is currently, and for a while will be, the baby of our family. He is wonderful!! I can't believe how fast time has gone by with him. He is already 7 months old!! When I was pregnant with him Rich and I were so curious to see what he looked like. I know everyone curious and anxious to meet their baby, but you see, our other kids are clones of us. Sophie and I are identical from our curly hair and petite body frame to our natural beauty!! So are Rich and Pete. They look the same and are both funny, and scared of everything (as a kid Rich was a scaredy cat - thankfully he has outgrown that now, all but the ferris wheel.) So we wanted to know if Max could break the mold. And he has. He is a genuine mix of the Cozby and Ford genes. And his personality is different too. It seems that he has picked up the good from both of us. Sometimes I call him my sanity (sometimes). I could be having a bad day, and then pick him up and he will smile and coo at me and it almost solves world peace. But I guess he hasn't hit the tantrum and whining phase of life yet. And I don't even mind the (sometimes 5/day) feedings of solid food. He loves baby food as much as he loves nursing. Sweet potatoes are his favorite. Just a couple days ago he started being able to find and eat the cheerio that he picks up and hides in his fist. He can now roll over (he's been doing that for a while) and he can sit up really well. He can't crawl yet though. He swims on his tummy, and has been getting up on all fours, and I'm sure that's a sign that crawling is right around the corner. I am excited for that. I love seeing all the milestones come. No teeth yet. He has some funny quirks too, like when I nurse him he likes to scratch over and over at his thigh, or his ears. Since he has had a summer wardrobe consisting of mostly onesies, he has several sratch marks on his thighs. I'll be glad to cover those up with regular jammies and pants once fall comes. He sleeps around 12 hours a night now. No more midnight feedings, yeah for me!! We always get comments on what a happy baby he is, and it is so true, he is such a good baby, we are truely blessed. We love Max, he is so perfect for me and our family.

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