Friday, September 7, 2007

Piano Lessons

Sophie has always loved music. Everyone who knows her knows that. She sings and dances all the time. (She has been in a group singing class for the last two years.) And now she likes the piano too. Last year she remembers Grandma Ford teaching piano lessons to other kids and started an interest in the piano. She wasn't quite old enough to take lessons yet, but she would plunker away at the piano every chance she could get. (Who wouldn't with such a beautiful baby grand piano. We are lucky enough to have it here in our home until Grandma Ford is able to move it to Colorado with her.) Well, my mom - AKA Grandma Canada - got her this beginner piano book and it is so cute. There is a story inside about Mozart mouse and Beethoven bear. I don't know much about the different styles and such for teaching piano, but this is so cute. They have a lot of different books too, you should check them (Music for Little Mozarts) out. So every now and then I will sit down with her and her piano book for a "piano lesson" and play together and she loves it. Tonight was one of those nights. The first time we did she said "But mom, I need Grandma to teach me piano, not you!" I know I'm not as good as she is, but I will have to do since Grandma Ford isn't here right now to teach her properly. In fact, Grandma Canada has also taught piano lessons. So, with all this piano business out there Sophie is bound to learn to play. So her piano is progressing slowly but surely. And I love it. I have always regretted not continuing in my own piano lessons any further than I did. I hope that Sophie keeps this love for piano and music long enough to be better than I currently am at it!

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