Saturday, May 31, 2008

Showing Some Skin...

After a day of fun in the sun someone had to pay I guess. That was mostly me. I was the good mom and remembered to spray all the kids with sun tan lotion (LOVE the spray on kind!!! Best invention) 2-3 times each. Using a whole bottle by the time we went through all the kids. BUT, do you think I'd remember to spray myself??? Nope! Thought about it a couple times, but it never did happen, and this was the end result. My redneck husband, and my lobster back (and shoulders, neck and front that wasn't covered by my swimsuit. No back rubs for me for a while!!!!!!!
By the way, the pictures don't really do the pain justice.


Muir Family said...

All I can say is OUCH!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my lands! You POOR thing!! I hope it heals quickly! (Vinegar baths sometimes help take the sting out!)